Study Title: EczemaTherapies Website User Survey
Principal Investigator: Dr. Aaron Drucker
Clinician Scientist, Division of Dermatology, Women’s College Hospital, Associate Professor, University of Toronto
Study Funder: Eczema Society of Canada
You are being invited to participate in a research study.
The purpose of this survey is to learn more about EczemaTherapies website users and their needs. Your responses may help us improve the website.
Your participation is voluntary. You do not have to participate at all or you may choose to leave the study at any time.
This survey will take approximately 5 minutes to complete. Your participation will be anonymous. This means that no information that could be used to identify you is being accessed or collected as part of this study and we will not be using or analyzing your data in a way that could identify you. Your responses, including quotations from free text responses, may be used as part of a scientific publication or other publication to disseminate our findings.
Once you have submitted your responses for this anonymous survey, your answers will be put into a database and will not be identifiable to you. This means that once you have submitted your survey, your responses cannot be withdrawn from the study.
You do not have to be in this study if you do not want to be. You do not have to answer any questions that you do not want to answer for any reason.
The data collected from this survey may be stored on SurveyMonkey’s servers in Canada and the United States (U.S.). Any information sent outside of Canadian borders may increase the risk of disclosure of information because the laws in those countries dealing with protection of information may not be as strict as in Canada. We will not collect identifying information on the survey. Even though the likelihood that someone may identify you from the study data is very small, it can never be completely eliminated.
There are no anticipated benefits or risks to completing this survey. However, future research may benefit from the knowledge gained from this survey.
By completing the survey you are consenting to its use in research.
If you have any questions about this survey, please contact the Study Coordinator, Karen Lau (
If you have questions about your rights as a participant or concerns about ethical issues related to this study, you can talk to someone who is not involved in the study at all. That person is the Chair of the Research Ethics Board, who can be contacted at, or you can leave a message at 416-351-3732 ext. 2325.
If you would like to continue, please click the ‘START’ button to begin the survey.