Please indicate which PPA Ambulatory Care Collaborative work group you are interested in participating below (look for PPA Ambulatory Care Collaborative under the "special groups” section here:
PPA Ambulatory Care Collaborative - Work Groups
1) Advocacy and Reimbursement (Leads- Hilary Weismantel, Mike Korczynski, and Maria Osborne): This workgroup will solicit and gather materials (testimonials) that advocate and promote for the growth and development of ambulatory clinical pharmacy services. This group will also support efforts to promote provider status recognition and reimbursement for clinical services.
Testimonials will be gathered from providers, nurses, patients. The goal is to have them focused on ambulatory clinical pharmacy practices and broaden to other team members to highlight collaboration and relationships. These will be used to educate legislators and other constituents to the notion of ambulatory care pharmacy practice.
The group will identify opportunities and strategies for reimbursement of ambulatory clinical pharmacy services. This workgroup will share past and current experiences with PPA Ambulatory Care Collaborative membership to facilitate reimbursement opportunities in the ambulatory care setting. The group will gather examples and support for provider status recognition as an essential mechanism for reimbursement to continue to justify ambulatory clinical pharmacy services and enhance access to care.
2) Data Collection (Leads - Mike Korczynski and Darren Mensch): The data collection workgroup will identify opportunities to collect data sets from PPA Ambulatory Care Collaborative members to describe and publish reports on the value (clinical, quality, and economic) of ambulatory clinical pharmacy services. The workgroup will aim to focus on a specific topic annually and partner with ambulatory pharmacy residency programs to assist with data analysis, presentation, and publication.
3) Membership and Communication (Leads - Lindsey Rerick and Darren Mensch): The membership workgroup will actively engage in recruiting PPA/ PPA Ambulatory Care Collaborative members. The membership group will also gather information from PPA Ambulatory Care Collaborative members to identify their practice site locations and a description of ambulatory clinical pharmacy services provided. ALL PPA Ambulatory Care Collaborative members in clinical practice should complete a membership profile. Membership profile information will be utilized to create a membership map/dashboard. The membership group will also aim to publish a quarterly newsletter to update members on PPA Ambulatory Care Collaborative pertinent topics and developments. Lastly this group will utilize social media platform to engage members and promote programming.
4) Programming (Lead - Rachael Cardinal): The programming workgroup will solicit leaders and content experts in topical areas of interest to PPA Ambulatory Care Collaborative members. Topics should focus on content that is valuable to PPA Ambulatory Care Collaborative members and aids in growth and development of ambulatory clinical pharmacy services.