Please share with NAfME and the authors of the Blueprint for Strengthening the Music Teacher Profession how you are working toward meeting the goals of the Blueprint. What is already happening in your school, district, community, locality, or state that speaks to mitigation strategies outlined in the Blueprint?

Question Title

* 1. Share Your Idea at Work (Provide a digestible paragraph or two or bullet points about your idea that is working.)

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* 2. Where in the Blueprint does your idea connect? (Help us learn what part of the Blueprint you are connecting to--a topic, a strategy, a page number--anything that can help.)

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* 3. Where in time does your idea have relevance? (Before the degree, during the degree, after the degree in the first five years of professional life, or other)

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* 4. May NAfME share your idea with others? (We'll select a representative number of ideas from around the country; sharing your work and your permission doesn't necessarily mean that it will be shared nationally).

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* 5. Please share a document that might help NAfME understand your idea.

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
Choose File

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* 6. Please add links to information that will help NAfME understand your idea.

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* 7. First and Last Name

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* 8. State

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* 9. School

Question Title

* 10. Email Address

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* 11. Phone

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* 12. Questions or Comments for the Blueprint Authors