CASA Youth Advocates, the organizational home of Voices for Children, is fielding this survey to gather lessons learned during the COVID-19 response. We are interested in learning about the systems that support families, children, and youth, which include public and private organizations, service providers and advocates, and many others. The findings will be shared with our partners to inform collective and individual efforts to improve the systems that support children and youth in Delaware County. Thank you for your time and insights.

Question Title

* 1. What is your affiliation or relationship to CASA and its work? Check all that apply.

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* 2. Which area does your organization address? Check all that apply.

Question Title

* 3. Which statement below best captures how Delaware County's systems that support child and youth well-being are doing in response to COVID-19?

Question Title

* 4. Overall, how are the systems that support child and youth well-being doing in the following areas in response to COVID-19?

  Excellent Good Fair Terrible Don't know
Ability to address racial disparities and systemic racism
Cultural sensitivity and inclusion
Appropriate eligibility guidelines
Ability to leverage and access funding to keep services going
Service location access (either physical or virtual location)
Ability to adapt to changing community needs
Language access

Question Title

* 5. What shortfalls have you witnessed or experienced in the systems that support the well-being of children and youth in Delaware County?

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* 6. To what extent have the following contributed to shortfalls in child and youth well-being systems' responses to COVID-19?

  Extremely significant issue Very significant issue Somewhat of an issue Not an issue at all Don't know
Lackluster technology systems
Lack of responsiveness to and inclusion of diverse populations
Underpaid staff
Lack of public appreciation for safety net systems
Overworked staff
Lack of access to best practices
Stigma of using safety net services
Burdensome regulations
Lack of collaboration
Insufficient funding
Lack of awareness of available services

Question Title

* 7. What are communities, agencies, or systems doing really well at this time?

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* 8. What financial, human, technical, and policy resources are needed for Delaware County's child and youth well-being systems to recover and be better than before COVID-19?

Question Title

* 9. Prior to COVID-19, Voices for Children partners identified four priority areas to address: 1) Family and Youth Engagement; 2) Social Determinants/Root Causes; 3) Systems Linkage and Coordination; 4) Best Practices for Services and Sustainability. In light of lessons learned from COVID-19, what would you prioritize within or beyond these areas?

Question Title

* 10. How have racial inequities and disparities surfaced in Delaware County's child and youth systems?

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* 11. What immediate action steps do you recommend that Voices for Children focus on to improve the systems that care for children and youth in Delaware County?

Question Title

* 12. Of the total number of people that your organization typically serves each year, please estimate the percentage that identify as follows:

  0% 1-25% 26-50% 51-75% 76-100% Don't know
Asian/Asian American
Black/African American
Native American/American Indian
Multi-racial/multi-ethnic (2+ races/ethnicities)

Question Title

* 13. Of the total number of people that your organization typically serves each year, please estimate the percentage that identify as follows:

  0% 1-25% 26-50% 51-75% 76-100% Don't know
Individuals with disabilities/differential abilities
English Language Learners
Single parent/guardian households
Youth and children between 6 - 18 years
Children 5 years old or younger
Individuals who identify as LGBTQ

Question Title

* 14. Of the total number of people that your organization typically serves each year, please estimate the percentage that identify as follows:

  0 1-25% 26-50% 51-75% 76-100% Don't know

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* 15. How many people does your organization serve annually?

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* 16. Please provide any other insights or recommendations to inform our work for children, youth, and families in Delaware County.