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Annual Income and Expense Form

The fiscal Period is January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023. This information is used to file the regional tax returns with the IRS, so please fill this form out as accurately and completely as possible. 

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* 1. Regional Society Name and #

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* 2. Regional Tax ID #

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* 3. Regional Treasurer

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* 4. Treasurer Email

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* 5. Treasurer Daytime Telephone Number

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* 6. Beginning Bank Balance (01/01/2023)

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* 7. Ending Bank Balance (12/31/2023)

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* 8. Income- please insert the correct dollar amount of income next to each of the following categories. For example, Dues= $3,000.50.

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* 9. Expense- please insert the correct dollar amount of expenses next to each of the following categories. For example, Committees= $1,000.00

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* 10. Please upload your most recent bank statement signed by your Regional Treasurer and President. 

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