We would like to hear from all Kindergarten parents!

Sea Crest Parent Association organized a series of workshops for kindergarten families. Called “Raising Healthy Kids”, the series included four sessions presented by Dr. Keely Rollings:

·      Healthy Transitioning to Kindergarten
·      Healthy Self-Esteem
·      Healthy Resilience
·      Healthy Relationships & Communication with Sea Crest
We are interested in hearing from every parent, whether you participated in a workshop or not. We encourage you to be honest with your feedback, as we’ll use it to improve the events for next year.

Note that if you already filled out a paper survey, thank you! No need to complete this online version. If you have further comments, please reach out to Heidi Gilman Bennett, Sea Crest Parent Education Volunteer: heidi_gilman@stanfordalumni.org.

Question Title

* 1. Did you (or your co-parent) attend the “Raising Healthy Kids” workshop series?