Dear Physician:
VMS is assessing what physician leadership training's and activities would be of interest and benefit to our members in 2017.  We are asking all members to please take a moment to fill out this brief survey [hyperlink] regarding physician leadership CME topics, locations and timing.  One of the survey respondents will be randomly chosen to receive a 50% discount off of your registration for a 2017 program (you must provide your email to be chosen)!

(Please note, only fill out this survey if you did NOT participate in a Vermont Physician Leaders Initiative training through the VMS Education & Research Foundation in 2016.  If you HAVE participated in a training, we have already circulated a more specific survey via email for you to complete).
With the generous support of the Physicians Foundation, the VMS Education and Research Foundation is able to offer a leadership curriculum to all Vermont physicians interested in affecting the future of the region’s health care delivery system.  The intent of the program is three-fold:

  • Learning how to influence organizational and state policy and decisions;
  • Development of social networks; and,
  • Personal growth.

Speakers, assessment tools and content are provided by the nationally-recognized  American Association for Physician Leadership.  Sessions offered in 2016 included:  Leadership Approaches to Change (June), Physicians in Management – Communication (September) and Physicians in Management – Leadership (November).  Sessions cost $100 and provide CME credit. 

We are circulating this brief survey to help us assess the success of past events and plan for 2017.  Please take a few moments to complete the survey.

Question Title

* 1. Before receiving this survey, were you aware of VMS' leadership curriculum?

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* 2. In general, is leadership training of interest to you and/or would it be of use in your professional role?

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* 3. What has prevented you from attending VMSERF's prior leadership trainings

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* 4. What are your preferred avenues for leadership training (select all that apply)?

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* 5. What are the best days/times to offer a leadership training (select all that apply)?

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* 6. The following have been proposed as course topic options for 2017. Please select those that would appeal to you and/or be applicable to your professional role:

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* 7. What other topics might you like to see addressed at future leadership trainings?

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* 8. Do you have any other suggestions for the leadership program?

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* 9. Your email address (optional – must be supplied to be chosen for discounted registration for 2017)