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This questionnaire is anonymous, and it is for all persons who have used / pilot the Intellectual output 3 “Self-assessment system for external validation as a part of a blended-assessment model”.

This system was produced thanks to the financial support received from Erasmus+ programme of the EU Commission, and your feedback will help us to improve it.

Thank you for helping us!

VM–PRO staff

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* 1. Piloting country of origin:

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* 2. Sectors of piloting

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* 3. Role in the project of VM-PRO

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* 4. Have you been trained how to use the “Self-assessment system for external validation as a part of a blended-assessment model”?

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* 5. Please, rate from 0 (bad) to 10 (best) the level of agreement about the following item:

  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
It was clear
It was useful
It was full of contents

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* 6. Did you get useful understanding of your Mentoring programme (selection of Mentor and Mentee, recruiting Mentor and Mentee, risks and challenges, matching and pairing, training Mentor and Mentee, one to one mentoring support given by the tutor, etc)

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* 7. Did you get useful understanding of your one to one Mentoring process (frequency, duration, one to one content and learning outcome)?

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* 8. Did you appreciate the blended learning support provided by the on line and mobile application?

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* 9. Have you went through all stages/steps of the self-assessment blended system?

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* 10. Did you seek for further support by the local mentoring coordinator in order to complete the process?

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* 11. Please, share what are the main advantages of this output?

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* 12. Please, indicate which parts of the content would you change in the output and write the suggested modifications

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* 13. Do you plan to use the output as an ongoing material when you are conducting mentoring schemes to ensure their validity?

0 of 13 answered