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This questionnaire is anonymous, and it is for all persons who have used / pilot the Intellectual output 2: “Extended Code of practice for conducting youth mentoring programme”.

This handbook was produced thanks to the financial support received from Erasmus+ programme of the EU Commission, and your feedback will help us to improve the manual and to use better public money.

Thank you for helping us!

VM–PRO staff

Question Title

* 1. Piloting country of origin:

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* 2. Sectors of piloting

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* 3. Role in the project of VM-PRO

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* 4. Have you participated in induction training about the use of “Extended Code of practice for conducting youth mentoring programme”?

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* 5. Please, rate from 0 (bad) to 10 (best) the level of agreement about the following item:

  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
It was clear
It was useful
It was full of contents
Every day
2-3 times a week
Once a week
Every 2 weeks

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* 6. How often did you meet your mentee?

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* 7. What have you focused upon during mentoring sessions?

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* 8. What kind of tasks have you performed with your mentee?

  Yes No
Have you produced an action plan with your mentee?
Do you consider the frequency and duration of your meetings enough to for the fulfilment of the action plan?
Did you feel at ease when working with your mentee?
Do you consider the mentoring process useful in improving the inclusion of people with disabilities into society?
Do you consider the results of the VM-PRO beneficial to both parties?
Have you been given sufficient support from the VM-PRO Project Team?
Have you completed successfully all predefined aims of the process?
Have you completed all stages of the process that are mentioned in the manual?
Would you recommend the VM-PRO to other potential mentors?

Question Title

* 9. Please answer to the following questions:

  Excellent Good Satisfactory Poor
How did you rate the mentoring experience?
How do you assess your participation in the mentoring process?
How do you assess the participation of the mentee in the mentoring process?

Question Title

* 10. How could the mentoring process be improved?

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* 11. What challenges did you meet during the mentoring process?

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* 12. What was the most valuable thing you learned during the mentoring process?

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* 13. Please, provide your recommendations for potential improvement of the output (you may indicate which part or sentence or content would you change in the output and write the suggested modifications.

0 of 13 answered