Please take 10 minutes to fill out this brief survey about your firm's deal origination program. Your responses will be used for statistical purposes only, and individual responses will not be shared. As our thank you for completing the survey, we will send you a copy of the results as soon as they are ready!

Question Title

* 1. What is your full name?

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* 2. What is your title?

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* 3. What percentage of your time do you spend on the following activities? (make sure percentages add to 100)

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* 4. What is the name of your firm?

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* 5. Please provide your email address so we can send you the results of the survey:

Question Title

* 6. What kind of firm do you work for?

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* 7. What investment strategies does your firm pursue? Pick all that apply.

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* 8. What is the size of your latest closed fund in U.S. millions? 

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* 9. What is the vintage year of that fund?

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* 10. What is your firm's AUM in U.S. millions?

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* 11. How many people at your firm are dedicated full-time to deal origination? If none, enter "0".

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* 12. If you have more than one full-time deal origination professional, how do you divide up work?

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* 13. How important are each of the following activities to your deal sourcing efforts? (scale of 1-5 with 5 most important)

  1 2 3 4 5
Emailing, calling, meeting with business owners
Emailing, calling, meeting with deal intermediaries
CRM/deal sourcing platform
Attending conferences
Writing white papers/blogs
Creating podcasts/videos
Social media

Question Title

* 14. What CRM/deal sourcing tools do you use? Pick all that apply.

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* 15. Rate how valuable the following sources of deal flow are to your firm (1-5, with 5 being most valuable)

  1 2 3 4 5
Buyside intermediaries
Company owners
Independent sponsors
Fund sponsors
Sell-side intermediaries

Question Title

* 16. What percentage of your consummated deals falls in the following three categories? Make sure percents add to 100%

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* 17. How many deals/teasers do you log in during a typical year?

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* 18. How many offering memoranda does your firm review in a typical year?

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* 19. How many LOIs does your firm submit in a typical year?

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* 20. How many platform companies did your firm buy last year?

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* 21. How many platform acquisitions do you anticipate making this year?

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* 22. How many add-on acquisitions did your firm make last year?

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* 23. How many add-on acquisitions to you anticipate making this year?

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* 24. During a typical (non-pandemic) year, what percentage of the time do you spend on the road?

0 100
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* 25. How many conferences do you attend in a typical (non-pandemic) year?

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* 26. What conferences have you attended in the last three years? Check all that apply.

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* 27. What associations are you an active member in? Pick all that apply.

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* 28. Do you participate in any unofficial networking groups? If yes, please provide details.

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* 29. If you answered yes, please provide details

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* 30. What's the biggest change to you deal sourcing process you've made in response to this year's M&A slowdown?