Question Title * 1. Please provide the following information below Name Organisation Country Business Email Address Designation Mobile Number Question Title * 2. What is the employee strength of your organisation? 1 - 100 employees 101 - 1,000 employees 1,001 - 10,000 employees 10,001 - 25,000 employees 25,001 - 50,000 employees More than 50,000 Question Title * 3. What’s your organisation’s annual revenue (in $)? <$50 Million $50 - $100 Million $100 - $500 Million $500 - $1 Billion $1 - $10 Billion $10 - $25 Billion >$25 Billion Question Title * 4. Which is the primary business focus of your organisation? Manufacturing Aerospace & Defence IT/High Tech & Software FMCG Banking, Insurance and Financial Services Energy Chemicals & Petrochemicals Textiles Infrastructure and materials / Construction & Engineering Automobile Transportation, Freight & Mail Pharmaceuticals Software & Services Textiles, Apparels, Accessories Consulting Consumer Products Academics Electronics, Semiconductors & Computer Equipment Telecommunications Natural Resources Ecommerce Utilities Other (please specify) Question Title * 5. What is your role at your organisation? Founder and/or CEO C-Suite Executive (other than CHRO) CHRO/ Group CHRO/ Head of HR reporting to CEO HR functional/ talent management leader reporting to CHRO Other (please specify) Done