LEAF-Q QUESTIONNAIRE - TRUCHIRO Question Title * 1. What is your age? 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30+ Question Title * 2. What is your team age group? U-10 U-11 U-12 U-13 U-14 U-15 U-16 U-17 U-18 U-19 Collegiate N/A Question Title * 3. Have you had absences from your training, or participation in competitions during the last year dueto injuries? No, not at all Yes, once or twice Yes, three or four times Yes, five times or more Question Title * 4. If yes, for how many days absence from training or participation in competition due to injuries haveyou had in the last year? 1-7 days 8-14 days 15-21 days 22 days or more Question Title * 5. Do you feel gaseous or bloated in the abdomen, also when you do not have your period? Yes, several times a day Yes, several times a week Yes, once or twice a week Rarely or never Question Title * 6. Do you get cramps or stomach ache which cannot be related to your menstruation? Yes, several times a day Yes, several times a week Yes, once or twice a week Rarely or never Question Title * 7. How often do you have bowel movements on average? Several times a day Once a day Every second day Twice a week Once a week or more rarely Question Title * 8. How would you describe your normal stool? Normal (Soft) Diarrhoea-like (watery) Hard and dry Question Title * 9. If you use oral contraceptives, what is the main use? Contraception Reduction of menstruation pains Reduction of bleeding To regulate the menstrual cycle in relation to performances etc.. Otherwise menstruation stops I don't use oral contraceptives Question Title * 10. How old were when you had your first period? 11 years or younger 12-14 years 15 years or older I don’t remember I have never menstruated (If you have answered “I have never menstruated” there are no furtherquestions to answer, please go to the end and submit your survey) Question Title * 11. Did your first menstruation come naturally (by itself)? Yes No I don't remember Question Title * 12. If no, what kind of treatment was used to start your menstrual cycle? Hormonal treatment Weight gain Reduced amount of exercise Other Question Title * 13. Do you have normal menstruation? Yes No (go to question 19) I don't know (go to question 19) Question Title * 14. If yes, when was your last period? 0-4 weeks ago 1-2 months ago 3-4 months ago 5 months ago or more Question Title * 15. If yes, are your periods regular? (Every 28th to 34th day) Yes, most of the time No, mostly not Question Title * 16. If yes, for how many days do you normally bleed? 1-2 days 3-4 days 5-6 days 7-8 days 9 days or more Question Title * 17. If yes, have you ever had problems with heavy menstrual bleeding? Yes No Question Title * 18. If yes, how many periods have you had during the last year? 12 or more 9-11 6-8 3-5 0-2 Question Title * 19. If no or “I don’t remember”, when did you have your last period? 2-3 months ago 4-5 months ago 6 months ago or more Question Title * 20. Have your periods ever stopped for 3 consecutive months or longer? No, never Yes, it has happened before Yes, that’s the situation now Question Title * 21. Do you experience that your menstruation changes when you increase your exercise intensity,frequency or duration? Yes No Question Title * 22. If yes, how? (Check one or more options) I bleed less I bleed fewer days My menstruations stops I bleed more I bleed more days Done