The Computer Measurement Group (CMG) is a worldwide organization of IT practitioners committed to digital transformation initiatives and best practices, including the measurement and management of computer systems and networks from a performance and capacity perspective to drive ongoing change.

IMPACT 2022 will be a virtual event. Speakers will need to ensure they have the appropriate IT infrastructure in place to present effectively through our platform.

We invite both industry leaders and people on the front lines to propose topics and sessions designed to educate and inform their fellow practitioners about new technologies and tested solutions. Presentations that address problem-solving and the business impact are strongly encouraged. We encourage submissions from people who represent a wide range of backgrounds and industries.

Your submissions in this system should be, first and foremost, educational in nature and vendor-neutral sessions are preferred. Vendor and product-specific submissions are accepted through this form but should be indicated as such.

CMG IMPACT accepts sessions on a continual basis. At any time before it is accepted, you may withdraw your application to speak from CMG. For most events, we will request more information or notify speakers of their acceptance about 45 days prior to the event.

Terms and Conditions:
By submitting to speak, you are agreeing to the SPEAKER TERMS AND CONDITIONS here.