Question Title

* Contact Information

Volunteer Committee Interest
Please choose the Foundation committees you'd like to serve on in the prioritized order below.

Question Title

* Please share a brief statement explaining your interest in joining a specific committee and the value you would bring as a committee member if selected.

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* Has your company donated to the Foundations? (Check all that apply)

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* By typing in my name below, please accept my interest form for the selected committees. I understand that if appointed to a committee, my responsibilities would include participation in two half-day in-person committee meetings per year, participation in committee task groups and conference calls (as needed), as well as reviewing committee agendas and materials prior to the meeting.  I understand that committee members are expected to register for the annual and summer meetings and cover travel and meeting expenses. I also understand that missing two consecutive committee meetings will result in my removal from the committee.

Thank you for starting the committee application process.
You will receive notification regarding your appointments in May 2025.
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