
Do you care for someone who has one or more long term health condition? 
Does the person you care for use health services in the ACT?

If you answered yes to both of these questions, the Health Care Consumers' Association (HCCA) wants to hear from you. This survey asks about: 
  • How you support the person you care for to look after their health
  • People or services that help the person you care for to look after their health 
  • Things that make this harder
  • Ways that COVID-19 has changed how you both do this.
You can take part if: 
  • You care for someone who has been diagnosed with one or more chronic condition/s, or
  • You are a parent or guardian of someone who has been diagnosed with one or more chronic condition/s, and
  • The person you care for uses health services in the ACT.
A chronic condition is a health condition that lasts for more than a year, and means the person you care for needs ongoing medical care. For example, they may take a prescription medication or see a doctor regularly.  Chronic conditions include arthritis, asthma, cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, long-term pain, mental health conditions - and many more. 
This survey aims to identify changes that would improve information, support and care for people with long-term conditions. Your answers help HCCA to understand the issues, and work with health services to improve care.
There is also a survey for consumers here.

We estimate the survey may take about 15 minutes to complete.