Thank you for your willingness to complete this survey and share your thoughts and ideas about The Expanding Light!

Please note that all questions are optional (including sharing your name and contact info), so please feel free to skip questions or share thoughts to the extent that you feel inspired. If you do hope to stay in contact with us, however, please remember to let us know who you are.

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* 1. How might The Expanding Light support your spiritual life going forward?

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* 2. What could make you feel more connected with The Expanding Light going forward?

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* 3. Do you have any suggestions for programs that might be offered at The Expanding Light?

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* 4. Do you have any suggestions for how The Expanding Light might offer guests a more comprehensive/complete experience of community living?

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* 5. Do you have any suggestions for how to connect The Expanding Light with other areas of Ananda Village? (i.e. other departments in Sangha, other initiatives such as Yogoata, Conscious Families, etc.)

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* 6. Do you have any suggestions for physical plane improvements that can be made at The Expanding Light? (i.e. facilities, kitchen, gardens, etc.)

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* 7. Did you serve at The Expanding Light in recent years (prior to COVID, circa 2017-2020)

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* 8. Please share your interest level in engaging with The Expanding Light going forward, selecting all that apply.

Please note: If you are interested in further engagement, please remember to provide your name and contact info in the next two questions.

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* 9. If you have any questions of us, please ask here (remember to provide your name and contact info).

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* 10. (Optional) Name

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* 11. (Optional) Best form of contact