Copy of St James the Great Parish Newsletter Survey Question Title * 1. Do you read a copy of the Weekly Newsletter each week. Yes No Question Title * 2. Do you read the Monthly Newsletter Yes No Question Title * 3. How do you get your copy From the church entrance pick up point Via the website Question Title * 4. How do you use your copy of the Monthly Newsletter I read it cover to cover I dip in and out I read a specific Pillar information Other (please specify) Question Title * 5. How useful is the Newsletter to you / your family Very - i can't wait for the next issue Quite - I look forward to receiving it Not very - i don't pay much attention to it Not at all - i never look at it Question Title * 6. Which regular features do you like/read Pastoral Care Pillar information Finance Pillar information Evangelisation Pillar information Communication Pillar information Social Pillar Information Youth Matters activities and Bible bites Monthly calendar information None of the above Question Title * 7. Are there any features /subjects that you would like us to cover Yes No Yes - the following features: Question Title * 8. Is there anything about the Newsletter that you dislike. Question Title * 9. How can we improve the Newsletter? What would you like to see more of ? Question Title * 10. Would you be prepared to help in the production of future Newsletters and if so, in what area would you be happy to help. Yes No Question Title * 11. If you are able to help, in what capacity Editorial Reporting of events Question Title * 12. Would you prefer to have the weekly Newsletter to cover events taking place within the following 4 weeks. Yes No If Yes, do you feel that thdere is a continued need for the Monthly Newsletter Question Title * 13. If more information was in the Weekly Newsletter would you be happy for the present Monthly Newsletter to be produced a Quarterly basis. Yes No Question Title * 14. Any other comments Question Title * 15. Your name (optional) Done