Question Title

* 1. Do you read a copy of the Weekly Newsletter each week.

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* 2. Do you read the Monthly Newsletter

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* 3. How do you get your copy

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* 4. How do you use your copy of the Monthly Newsletter

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* 5. How useful is the Newsletter to you / your family

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* 6. Which regular features do you like/read

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* 7. Are there any features /subjects that you would like us to cover

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* 8. Is there anything about the Newsletter that you dislike.

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* 9. How can we improve the Newsletter? What would you like to see more of ?

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* 10. Would you be prepared to help in the production of future Newsletters and if so, in what area would you be happy to help.

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* 11. If you are able to help, in what capacity

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* 12. Would you prefer to have the weekly Newsletter to cover events taking place within the following 4 weeks.

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* 13. If more information was in the Weekly Newsletter would you be happy for the present Monthly Newsletter to be
produced a Quarterly basis.

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* 14. Any other comments

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* 15. Your name (optional)