Legacy Lifecare (Chelsea Jewish Lifecare & JGS Lifecare) recognizes the pain and agony our families are feeling during this COVID-19 pandemic and is offering a virtual family support group to our residents’ loved ones.

In this two session group series, participants will have an opportunity to share their thoughts and feelings in a supportive and safe space while connecting with other families who truly empathize. During each session, helpful coping strategies and other resources will be shared by our experienced social workers.

To inquire about the group or express interest in joining, please fill out this form and a facilitator will contact you directly.

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* 1. Contact information

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* 2. Resident name

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* 3. Relation to resident

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* 4. Resident location

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* 5. How did you hear about the Virtual Family Support Group? Please check all that apply.

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* 6. What is your primary interest in joining a family support group? Please check all that apply.

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* 7. Please select which days and times work best for you to attend sessions.

  Morning (9am-12pm) Afternoon (1pm-4pm) Evening (6pm-8pm)

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* 8. What questions do you have about the Virtual Family Support Group?