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Child safety and wellbeing is a priority for Siddha Yoga Foundation (SYF) and the prevention and reporting of abuse is supported and encouraged. All staff and volunteers (‘sevites’) are responsible for promoting the safety, wellbeing and empowerment of children.
This Code of Conduct sets expectations for how staff and sevites at Siddha Yoga Ashrams, centres and venues should behave around children and young people. This helps children participate safely in our activities and to learn and grow.
This Code of Conduct identifies positive child safe behaviours that we ask staff and sevites to demonstrate. It also identifies behaviours that we consider unacceptable and not permitted at any SYF venue or event.
Not following the identified standards of behaviour is a breach of this Code of Conduct and may result in disciplinary action. Some behaviours on their own may not be a serious breach of the Code of Conduct but together may indicate a concerning pattern of behaviour that poses a risk to the safety of children.
All SYF staff and sevites must agree to and always follow these standards of behaviour identified below as part of this Child Safety Code of Conduct, including when at SYF venues and events, and when engaging with SYF children and their families at any time.

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* 2. I WILL:
* adhere to the SYF’s Child Protection Policy & Procedures
* take all reasonable steps to protect the child if I personally witness or suspect an abuse or if I am informed of an abuse occurring while a child is under my supervision.
* report any cases of suspected or actual child abuse to an Ashram manager or a member of the National Management Team (refer to Incident Reporting Process below).
* listen to and take disclosures of harm &/or abuse made by a child seriously and respond.
* observe the ‘Two Person rule’ by having two adults present when supervising or teaching seva tasks/roles to children.
* ensure that the door or window is open and all interactions with the child are in public view in the rare instance that I am the only adult sevite present and am situated in an enclosed space.
* be aware of warning signs such as unusually affectionate behaviour towards a child, spending unusual amounts of time &/or attempting to spend time with a child in isolated situations.
* receive parent’s (or guardian’s) permission and seva supervisor approval before conducting mentoring of a child.
* report any conflicts of interest I have (such as an outside relationship with a child) that may affect my ability to perform my role.
* treat all children and young people with respect, regardless of race, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, language, religion, political or other opinion, nationality, cultural background, financial situation, disability or other characteristics.
* consider the different needs of all children at SYF venues and events, support them to participate fully and help them and their families feel safe & included at SYF and support Aboriginal children to express their culture and enjoy their cultural rights.
* value children and young people’s ideas and opinions.
* involve children and young people in decisions about the activities they participate in at SYF Ashrams, centres and venues, and welcome the participation of parents and carers in these decisions.
* respect the privacy of children and their families, including keeping all verbal and written personal information confidential unless required to be disclosed by law.
* store recorded personal information pertaining to children and their families on SYF’s secure Microsoft SharePoint system only.
* inform parents and carers if there are situations that need to be safely managed but are outside the boundaries of this Code of Conduct.
* uphold the rights of the child and always prioritise their needs.
* participate in any compulsory training including training on child safety and wellbeing.
* comply with all relevant Australian, state and territory legislation and SYF’s child safe policies and procedures.

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* 3. I WILL NOT:
* condone or participate in illegal, unsafe, abusive or harmful behaviour towards children – this includes physical violence, sexual abuse, emotional or psychological abuse, racism, grooming, neglect, sexual misconduct, intimate contact or kissing on the lips.
* be alone with a child other than with one’s own child (or if the guardian).
* have unauthorised contact with children and/or young people online, on social media or by phone.
* ignore or disregard any concerns, suspicions or disclosures of child abuse or harm.
* exaggerate or trivialise child abuse issues.
* use hurtful or offensive behaviour or language with children.
* use sexual language, images or gestures in the presence of children.
* criticise and/or denigrate a child
* touch children in a way that is unnecessary or inappropriate that falls outside what is reasonable to teach programs or otherwise engage in the activities of SYF
* initiate unnecessary physical contact with children or do things of a personal nature that children can do for themselves such as changing clothes
* offer children and young people alcohol, cigarettes or other drugs.
* deliberately prevent a child from forming friendships.
* develop ‘special’ relationships with specific children or show favouritism through the provision of gifts or unnecessary or unsuitable attention.
* take photographs, screenshots or share images of children unless I am an authorised SYF photographer.
* unlawfully retaliate against any person or child who has lodged a complaint regarding child abuse or molestation or who has taken part in an investigation.

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* 4. If I suspect that this Code of Conduct has been breached by another person in the organisation, I WILL:
* act to prioritise the best interests of the child or children
* promptly take actions to ensure the child or children are safe
* report the incident or concerns using the SYF’s Incident Reporting Process (below)
* maintain the privacy of those involved
* contact the police by calling ‘000’ if a child or young person is in immediate danger

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* 5. Incident Reporting Process
To the extent that you have reasonable suspicion, observed any harmful behaviour towards a child &/or observed a breach of this Code of Conduct, you agree to take timely action and report this by either:
* Informing an Ashram manager &/or event manager or member of the National Management Team directly,
* Completing the online Reporting A Concern Form found on SYF’s website; or
* Emailing

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* 6. Staff and sevites who breach our Code of Conduct may be subject to disciplinary action. This can include increased supervision, appointment to an alternative role, suspension or termination from the organisation.

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* 7. I have read this Code of Conduct and agree to abide by its terms.

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* 8. Enter the date of this agreement


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* 9. Full Legal Name:

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* 10. Signature: By checking here and submitting this form, I understand I am signing my agreement to the SYF Child Safety Code of Conduct agreement form.