2021 Museum Practice Internship Application

The Everhart Museum Internship is an unpaid, volunteer position. Students are encouraged to ask their respective schools about the process for receiving academic credit and the availability of funding for internships at nonprofit institutions.
All questions regarding internships can be directed to internships@everhart-museum.org.

Question Title

* Contact Information

Question Title

* College or University Affiliation

Question Title

* Field/Major

Question Title

* Status

Question Title

* Emergency Contact

Question Title

* Do you expect the internship to fulfill an academic requirement?

Question Title

* If yes, please explain.

Question Title

* Internship Availability
Summer Internship Program runs from June 21 through August 13, 2021.


Question Title

* How many hours do you need to complete your internship?

Question Title

* Are you legally eligible to work in the United States? 

Question Title

* Which internship position are you applying for?
Please reference the Museum's website for the description of all internship positions.

Question Title

* Language Skills
List your language skills other than English.

Required Forms
Please title: last name, first name_document type. Example: "Smith, John_cover letter.pdf"

Question Title

* Personal Essay (500 word maximum essay describing how your skills, interests, and experiences relate to the department to which you are applying.)

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
Choose File

Question Title

* Upload resume or CV

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
Choose File

Question Title

* Upload Transcripts

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
Choose File

Question Title

* Name and position of individual writing recommendation
Letter of Recommendation must be sent separately to internships@everhart-musuem.org with the applicant's full name in the email subject line.

Question Title

* Health Concerns

Question Title

* How did you hear about the Museum Practice Internship Program?