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* 1. What is the average stay abroad of incoming exchange students at your HEI? If you are not sure, please make a rough estimate. Please do not include full-degree students in this.

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* 2. Based on your experience, what would you think are the biggest problems that incoming students face at your HEI?

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* 3. The difficulty for exchange students to make friends with the local community is a well-known problem for many of us who work with international students. What do you think is the reason for this?

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* 4. According to the survey, there seems to be a positive correlation between the length of stay of international students and several other positive factors. Which of the following is not mentioned as a positive correlation in the survey?

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* 5. Which of the following problems was the biggest one identified in the survey?

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* 6. The survey quotes another survey from i-Graduate (2015), which rather surprisingly found that student satisfaction is not related to something that one might have expected. What? (This publication does not mention any of the other alternatives below.)

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* 7. According to the survey, many international students had difficulties with making friends with local students. How many of the respondents to the survey ended up with “only a few” local friendships?

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* 8. Name