This survey is an important step in the development of the District Council of Kimba's Strategic Management Plan. Our goal is to ensure that our strategic direction aligns with the needs, expectations, and aspirations of our community. Your input is invaluable as it will help us identify priorities, refine objectives, and outline the actions necessary to achieve our collective vision for Kimba's future. We appreciate your time and thoughtful responses in helping us shape a thriving and sustainable community for all.

What is a Strategic Plan and what is its purpose?
Under the Local Government Act 1999 (The Act) Council is required to develop and adopt plans called collectively the Strategic Management Plans (SMP’s). This includes this Strategic Plan, the Long-Term Financial Plan (LTFP) and the Infrastructure & Asset Management Plan (I&AMP) plus any additional plans Council considers necessary.

These plans have certain requirements which include but are not limited to the following:
1- To identify objectives of Council over at least 4 years
2 - Provide assessments that relate to a number of things i.e. financial performance and position, extent and levels of services required, infrastructure that will need to be maintained etc.
3 - To identify principal activities to achieve these objectives
4 - Measures to monitor the performance against the plan

A Strategic Plan is a tool for assisting Council to continuously grow and deliver value to community members and ratepayers. The development of this plan involves the planning, setting and communicating of priorities with successful objectives informed by data predominantly derived from engagement with the community and to a lesser extent other relevant stakeholders of Council. It incorporates the insights of members from within the Council who are dedicated to delivering value to the ratepayers and ensuring future

Community Engagement

The Strategic Plan is one of the minimum requirements identified in the suite of Plans and, as part of this process, community engagement (i.e. public consultation) as per Chapter
4, Part 5 of the Act, is required. Council must undertake community engagement in accordance with its adopted Public Consultation Policy in relation to the development and review of the Strategic Plan. When engaging with community, the narrative that sits around
the more ‘financial’ or ‘technical’ information in the document is particularly important. It should facilitate community understanding and engagement on the likely changes to be
made in service delivery (i.e., what council can and can’t do) to provide for or maintain financial sustainability in the longer term.