Question Title

* 1. Name: Last/First

Question Title

* 2. I am a contract elementary teacher with the UCDSB (not on recall) and therefore a member of the ETFO-UCL.

Question Title

* 3. Is this your first or second application this school year?

Question Title

* 4. School/worksite:

Question Title

* 5. UCDSB Employee number:

Question Title

* 6. School/work site telephone:

Question Title

* 7. School/work site fax:

Question Title

* 8. Email Address:

Question Title

* 9. Email Address confirmation:

Question Title

* 10. Personal Phone Number:

Question Title

* 11. Professional Activity:

Question Title

* 12. Title of Activity or Course:

Question Title

* 13. Activity Provider:

Question Title

* 14. Beginning Date:


Question Title

* 15. Completion Date:


Question Title

* 16. Funding Request - (A maximum of $1000, including the OT costs, will be provided. Please estimate other costs to their predicted maximum). 

Registration Fee:

Question Title

* 17. Accommodation Fee

Question Title

* 18. Car Travel: (km X $0.64)

Question Title

* 19. Other Travel: (train/plane/taxi)

Question Title

* 20. Meal Costs: (max. $100/day)

Question Title

* 21. Parking Costs:

Question Title

* 22. Other Expenses: (with explanation)

Question Title

* 23. Occasional Teacher Required:

Question Title

* 24. I have read the Terms of Reference on the ETFO-UCL website: :

Question Title

* 25. Required Notification: Once approved, your principal will be notified of this activity if it occurs during the instructional day.