Are you looking for presenting a pitch during the P4Planet Brokerage in October?

We would thank all members interested to complete the full EoI by answering all questions below. Please take into account that the PITCHES sessions will be on Friday 29 October 2021.

This EoI may allow you to give a pitch in a specific topic as well as to have a specific online room where other attendees can participate and have an open discussion. The pitches will be given in a plenary room but the discussions will be in parallel rooms running at the same time for topics in the same thematic area.

The Processed4Planet topics will be prioritise, and we set a limit of 10 pitches per topics (up to 50 pitches). In case we receive EoI of other topics, these ones will be scheduled upon the slots available after including the pitches of the P4Planet topics.

If you want to give more than one pitch, please fill a separate form by clicking again on the registration link. However, we prioritise the participation of different members.

Question Title

* 1. Contact details of the person who is going to give the pitch


Question Title

* 2. Pitch Title

Question Title

* 4. In case you have a short description of your pitch idea, please share it.
That would allow A.SPIRE office to better organise the brokerage event

Question Title

* 5. Please attach you presentation, maximum 3 pages/slides
- First page: Entity - Contact - Title
- Second page: Objective/Challenge/Idea
- Third page: Partner sought (type-role)/ Technology/Expertise needed

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
Choose File
The pitch's title and the short description will be published through the brokerage platform before the event for the participants to choose the parallel open discussion to participate. After the event the presentations will be shared within the participants.
Extra questions (optional)

Question Title

* 6. What will be your main contribution to the chosen topic?