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* 1. Contact Information

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WEM Regions

WEM Regions

Question Title

* 3. Statement of Intent: Please provide a statement addressing why your organization requests to be considered for supporting a VOAD/COAD Coordinator role. If more than one position will be supported with these funds, please include the number and the proposed plan to ensure these will be effectively coordinated. Please limit response to 300 words or less.

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* 4. Capacity to Support: Please address the capacity of your organization to support this role, including IT needs, reporting capacity, and staffing. Please limit response to 300 words or less.

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* 5. Existing Community Connections: Please provide a description of the existing community connections your organization has, and your plan to utilize and expand these to successfully support existing and developing VOAD/COADs within the region. Please limit response to 300 words or less.

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* 6. Match Potential: To meet the nonfederal share of the VGF, grant organizations will be asked to assist with matching requirements by October 1, 2021. All match must meet the requirements as outlined in 2 CFR 200.306. Acceptable match categories are nonfederal funds and in-kind support such as the value of personnel, goods, and services. All match must be necessary, allowable, and expended in the pursuit of achieving grant outcomes. Please provide a description of how your organization will assist with supporting the nonfederal share through nonfederal funds and in-kind support. Please limit response to 300 words or less.

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