Chivarly Fire Customer Survey

Thank you for participating!

Your feedback means everything. Your responses are NOT seem by the general public, so please be painfully honest. Your feedback will help deceide which products will make our online store!  
1.Email Address(Required.)
2.Candle Fragrance You Purchased?(Required.)
3.On a scale from 1-10 (10 strongest) How strong was the fragrance?(Required.)
4.Rate the quality of the candle(Required.)
5.Did the candle burn evenly?(Required.)
6.What's a fair price-point for our candle?(Required.)
7.Rate the overall appearance (No response needed for Testers)(Required.)
8.Did you receive your purchase in a timely manner?(Required.)
9.Rate The Candle(s) Ppackaging(Required.)
10.Which fragrance appeals to you the most?
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