Question Title

* 1. Please provide the following information so that we may contact you:

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* 2. What is your age?

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* 3. What is your gender?

Question Title

* 4. What would you consider the area where you live?

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* 5. Which of these bests describes your employment status?

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* 6. If employed, what is your Occupation & Industry you work in?

Question Title

* 7. Have you, or has any member of your immediate family, someone that lives in your household, or a close friend, now or in the past 5 years, worked for, or had any special knowledge of any of the following types of businesses?

Question Title

* 8. Are you, or is anyone in your household, close friend or relative employed at any of the following companies?

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* 9. When was the last time, if ever, you participated in a market research study, and what was the topic?

Question Title

* 10. For this project, we are hoping to talk to people from all different points of view about a variety of apps. What is your overall opinion of each of the following?

  An app I love An app I somewhat like An app I don't have any strong feelings about An app I somewhat dislike An app I totally reject

Question Title

* 11. Thinking about the following apps/websites....which of the following, if any, do you have a personal account for? 

Select all that apply...

Question Title

* 12. Thinking about the following apps/websites...when was the last time, if ever, you used the app/website?

  Past Week Past 2 Weeks Past 4 Weeks More than 4 Weeks Ago Never

Question Title

* 13. Thinking about the following apps/ often do you use each?

  Daily or more often 4-6x week 2-3x week 1x week Few times per month Monthly or less

Question Title

* 14. In which of the following ways do you interact with
the app/websites you have an account with?

You can answer more than 1 interaction with each app/website....

  Browse Post or Upload Follow or Subscribe to People/Brands I know Share content Join/Interact with pages or groups with shared interests

Question Title

* 15. I’m going to read you a list of some of the reasons people use social media.  For each one, please tell me how much of a reason it is for YOU PERSONALLY to use social media. Please use a scale from 1 to 5, where ‘1’ means Not A Reason At All and ‘5’ means A Very Big Reason.

  1-Not a Reason At All 2 3 4 5-A Very Big Reason
To discover new things
To get inspiration
For personal growth
To learn new things or more about things I already know something about
To get everyday support on and encouragement about the things I'm interested in

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* 16. Name one social media app/website you go to for each of these reasons.

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* 17. From which of the following devices do you access social media apps?

Please select all that

Question Title

* 18. Now I’m going to read you several statement pairs.

For each pair, please indicate which statement you agree with more. Please select one response per pair of statements.

  Statement A Statement B
A. Social media helps me maintain my connections
B. Social media helps me make new connections
A. I follow my interests on social media
B. I keep up with friends & family on social media
A. Social media helps me accomplish things
B. Social media helps me pass time
A. I am comfortable with familiarity
B. I explore new experiences
A.  Social media helps me learn new things
B.  Social media entertains me
A. I mainly browse content on social media
B. I often comment on, reshare or remix content on social media
A.  I am a very private person
B.  I'm open to share most details of my life
A.  I like being the center of attention
B.  I feel uncomfortable when attention is focused on me

Question Title

* 19. Next, I’m going to read you several more statements. Please let me know how well each of the following statements describe you now and in the future.

  Describes me Describes someone I aspire to be Does not describe me or someone I aspire to be
I am open to learning about new ideas and connecting with new people
I like to explore my interests, both new and old and discover more about the world around me
I’m the type of person who makes things happen and I often will use social media to connect with people who can help me learn, grow, and reach my goals

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* 20. How do you describe yourself?

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* 21. Do you have any children?

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* 22. What is your last grade of education you completed?

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* 23. Which of the following categories best represents your total annual household income before taxes and deductions? If you live with your parents and are unsure, please select “Unsure, living with parents”  

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* 24. Technology (such as social media, communication devices/apps, virtual reality devices, etc.) has changed our daily lives in more ways than one. Some might say changes are mostly good, while others might say some changes are not. 

 In your opinion, what is an example of a positive advancement that technology has made possible, either in your life personally or for the world in general?

 What is an example of an advancement made possible by technology that has had a negative impact, either on your life personally or for the world in general? 

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* 25. When thinking about engaging with new people, which of the following statements best describes you when you are around new people or a group of those you do not know?

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* 26. And now on a different subject, which one of the following statements best fits your view of advertising?

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* 27. .It will be necessary for you to participate the entire time of the discussion. You will need to have a working webcam and high speed internet connection. The interview will be recorded for internal purposes.  

Do you have high-speed internet with a PC/Laptop and a webcam with headset/mic?

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* 28. Which of the following Dates/Times are you available for the study?  

Select all that apply....

All times listed in Eastern Time Zone!