Numerous tools and programmes are available for the rehabilitation of children, adolescents and young adults with Acquired Brain Injury (ABI).  However, not all countries, professionals and families, in particular within the developing countries, may be aware of the wide range available, and there is a need to harness this knowledge and ensure it is easily accessible.   

The IPBIS, in collaboration with The Eden Dora Trust, is therefore producing a document containing easily downloadable tools and programmes, accessible to everyone, and available on its website in a flexible, concise pdf format. 

Project scope
The project will focus on the following:

  • Children from birth to young adults 25 years of age with mild to severe Acquired Brain Injury, defined as follows: ABI is any injury to the brain which has occurred following birth.  It includes Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBIs) such as those caused by trauma (e.g. a blow to the head from a road traffic accident, fall or assault), and non-TBIs related to illness or medical conditions (e.g. encephalitis, meningitis, stroke, substance abuse, brain tumour and hypoxia)
  • Post-discharge from acute care
  • Include tools and programmes that address the physical, cognitive, academic and psychosocial problems associated with ABI

Advisory Board
The IPBIS Advisory Board will review all tools/programmes submitted and have the final decision on their inclusion.  

Tools/programmes inclusion criteria
The IPBIS welcomes tools and programmes that are non-commercial and address the physical, cognitive, academic and/or psychosocial problems following ABI. The tools/programmes can be in your local language but the template must be completed in English.  Ideally the tools/programmes will have been presented at a local/international conference and/or published in a professional journal.