Lower School Quick Check-In

We are continuing to improve our approach to School At Home for this school year, and in case there are aspects of it that need to be implemented next school year as well. We are also looking at our summer programming ideas and plans. We are interested in your feedback. Thanks for taking a few minutes for this survey!
1.What program is your child(ren) in?
2.Are you participating in School at Home?
3.Have you noticed any improvements since the last survey?
4.Did the modifications to School At Home meet your expectations?
5.How satisfied are you with the improvements and modifications?
6.Do you feel that your voice was heard on the previous survey?
7.How helpful do you find the weekly website updates? 
8.How accurately do those weekly website updates match the offerings and commitments that are subsequently offered by teachers?
9.How many hours per day is your child engaged in learning from the curriculum delivered through our School at Home program?
10.How long does your child spend in independent learning activities (with age appropriate adult support) on a daily basis?
11.In the Summer, if we are not able to return to campus or you are not comfortable having your child return, would you be interested in paying for a School at Home experience over the summer?
12.If you would like a School at Home experience over the summer what components would you like to received (check all that apply):
13.Knowing that this program requires a high level of coordination, material development, supplies and human resources, what financial value would you place on the program you outlined in the previous question:
14.Is there anything else you would like to tell about your School At Home experience?
Current Progress,
0 of 14 answered