Question Title

* 1. Attending the following Lackawanna College Campus

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* 2. What is your age range?

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* 3. Please select your gender.

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* 4. How would you describe yourself? Please select all that apply.

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* 5. Which term best describes your sexual orientation? 

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* 6. What is your current student status at Lackawanna College? please mark only one)

Question Title

* 7. Are you a bachelors or associated student?

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* 8. To what extent do you agree with the following  statements ? 
Note: For the next set of questions, any reference to "my school" should be interpreted as the college or university you are currently attending or about to attend. We understand that some students may not have developed an informed opinion about their peers yet, but we are simply looking for your current opinion or perception of the students at your school.

Note: For the purpose of this survey, "sexual assault" is defined as any type of sexual contact or behavior that is unwanted or occurs without the permission of the recipient.

The response options are: 1 - Strongly Disagree, 2 - Disagree, 3 - Somewhat Disagree, 4- Neutral, 5 - Somewhat Agree, 6 - Agree, 7 - Strongly Agree 

6) I know how to report a sexual assault at my school.

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* 9. In a sexual situation, I would make sure to communicate with the other person about what they want.

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* 10. I would reach out to offer support to a friend who I suspect is in an abusive relationship.

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* 11. I can identify concerning behaviors related to abuse in relationships. 

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* 12. I would not engage in sexual activity with someone  if the other person was incapacitated by alcohol or drugs.

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* 13. I am confident in my ability to intervene effectively in a potential sexual assault situation.

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* 14. Most students at my school would take action in a situation in which someone was trying to take advantage of another person sexually. 

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* 15. I would respect a person who took action prevent  a sexual assault.

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* 16. A person who has been drinking and is sexually assaulted is never at fault for what happened to them.

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* 17. I would take action in a situation in which one was trying to take advantage of another person sexually.

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* 18. Most students at my school would express concern if they saw a person exhibiting abusive behavior toward their partner.

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* 19. It is not my responsibilities to prevent sexual assault at my school.

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* 20. Most students at my school would not engage in sexual activity with someone if the other person was incapacitated by alcohol or drugs.

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* 21. I would respect someone who made sure they asked for and received consent in a sexual situation. 

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* 22. Most students at my school would never place blame on a person who told them someone else had sexually assaulted them.

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* 23. I am aware of support resources related to sexual assault and relationships violence at my school.

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* 24. In a sexual situation, most students at my school would make sure to communicate with the other person about what they want.

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* 25. I would express concern if I saw a person exhibiting abusive behavior toward their partner.

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* 26. I would never place blame on a person who told me that someone sexually assaulted them.

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* 27. Bystander Intervention

Have you engaged in any of the following behaviors in the last 30 days? If you have not been in the situation described, please select “I did not have an opportunity to engage in this behavior.”

25) I spoke up when I heard someone saying something I found offensive or demeaning.

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* 28. I expressed concern when I saw a person exhibiting abusive behavior toward their partner.

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* 29. I helped someone get support or find resources
when they told me about an unwanted sexual experience. 

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* 30. I intervened when I saw someone trying to take advantage of someone else sexually.

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* 31. If you observe a situation that you believe is, or could lead to, a sexual assault, which of the following behaviors would you be confident engaging in (select all that apply):