Welcome to the delegate application form for the 2020 Phoenix Congress.

Together, we will write the Blueprint for a Better America, and offer its shovel-ready solutions to the 2020 candidates for federal office. (More information is available on our website, phoenixcongress2020.com.)

We can end poverty.
We can end mass incarceration.
We can end the endless wars.

We can do this by pledging our votes, irregardless of party, to the candidates who will enact it... since the two-party system isn't working, it's time to stop playing by its rules.

Please note that this application does NOT require a vote pledge at this time, but does require that you participate in good faith.

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* What is your full name?

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* What is your email address? (We hate spam as much as you, and it will never be sold.)

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* Would you be willing to vote to re-elect Donald Trump, or his opponent if he declines, on the condition they agree to implement the Phoenix Congress legislative agenda in the first 100 days of the next presidential term?

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* Would you be willing to vote for any federal candidates, irregardless of party, who agree to implement the Phoenix Congress legislative agenda in the first 100 days of the next presidential term?

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* Can you safely fast for 24 hours, drinking only water, on the 15th of the month?

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* Everyone is invited to participate in the fast for peace on the 15th, but delegates must be citizens of the United States.

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* In at least 30 words, explain what strengths, perspectives, or experience you would bring to the Phoenix Congress as a delegate, how you would help promote ending poverty; ending mass incarceration; and ending the endless wars, plus any other relevant information you'd like to share.

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* Which Congress committee(s) would you be interested in serving on?

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* Crafting of the legislative agenda is on Reddit. Please enter your username to be added to the discussion. If you don't have one, free registration is available through the link.

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* Please validate your name and location by making a donation to fastforpeace.org in support of the Phoenix Congress.

Minimum amount: $1 USD
You’ll enter payment info after the survey.

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* Are there any other comments you'd like to share with us?

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* [OPTIONAL] Would you like to share your demographic data and political thoughts with us?