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* 1. What school are you enrolled in?

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* 2. Gender

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* 3. Were you born in the United States?

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* 4. If not born in the United States, where were you born?

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* 5. Where is your family from?

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* 6. Do you know much about your family's history and the country your family is from?

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* 7. What language or languages do you use with family members?

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* 8. How did you hear about the Spanish Heritage Language Learner course (HLL)? Mark all that apply

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* 9. Why are you wanting to take the Spanish Heritage Speaker course? Mark all that apply

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* 10. What grade will you be in in the fall of 2017

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* 11. As a young child, did you first learn to speak in English, or Spanish?

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* 12. What language do you speak most of the time?

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* 13. What percentage of the time do you hear Spanish in a typical day?

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* 14. What language(s) do you speak with your friends?

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* 15. What language did you use most from 0-5 years of age?

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* 16. What types of print or online printed materials in Spanish have you had available to you in your home?
Mark all that apply

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* 17. What types of print or online printed materials in English have you had available to you in your home?
Mark all that apply

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* 18. As a small child, did your parents, guardians, or other family members read to you in Spanish? If so, what did they read to you? Mark all that apply.

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* 19. How  often do you access (use) the internet in Spanish?

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* 20. In the past six months, which of the following activities have you done in Spanish, outside of class? Mark all that apply.

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* 21. What do you HOPE to do after high school?

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* 22. ONLY juniors and seniors answer this question: What ARE you doing after high school?

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* 23. JUNIORS AND SENIORS ONLY: Who in your school has assisted you with plans after high school?

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* 24. JUNIORS AND SENIORS ONLY: When was the last time you spoke with somebody about your plans after graduation?