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* 1. Where in the world do you practice?

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* 2. How many years have you been in clinical practice?

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* 3. In an average work week how often do you see patients who have had a TIA presentation (transient symptoms with resolution within 24-hours)?

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* 4. How often would you order a brain MRI for them?

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* 5. At your centre, can you routinely obtain MR with DWI within 1 week of their event?

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* 6. At your centre, can you routinely obtain MR with DWI within 2 weeks of their event?

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* 7. If they have a DWI-negative MR scan AND based upon your clinical evaluation, you thought the most probable diagnosis was true ischemia (ie. a true TIA), with no other indication for antithrombotics, would you treat long term (ie after the first few weeks) with antiplatelet agents?

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* 8. If they have a DWI-negative MR scan AND based upon your clinical evaluation, you thought that there was at least a 50% chance that the diagnosis was a mimic (ie. there is diagnostic uncertainty), with no other indication for antithrombotics, would you treat long term (ie after the first few weeks) with antiplatelet agents?

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* 9. Would you be willing to randomize a patient with a DWI negative MRI and transient neurological symptoms with no other indication for antithrombotics to long term single-antiplatelet agents vs. no antithrombotic agent?