Discussion Questions regarding our Founders Writings |
Greetings, Members of Area 47,
First, thank you for taking an interest in this topic and for taking the time to provide feedback that will help guide the conversation at the General Service Conference this year.
Before we get started, I wanted to explain how this is set up. This discussion results from a recommendation from the Conference Committee on Finance at the General Service Conference in 2023. That committee also forwarded a collection of questions to be considered in reaching out to the fellowship for feedback.
This survey's first set of questions are those provided by the Conference Committee on Finance. Following those questions will be the letter sent out by the Trustee's Literature Committee and the questions they chose to use for the discussion.
Feel free to answer as many or as few questions as you desire.
Thank you again for your time and participation in this undertaking.
In Service,
Christopher M.
Area 47 Delegate