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Informing State Policy & Priorities in Real-Time: Impact & Role of Publicly-Funded Expanded Learning Programs 2020-2021
The CDE Expanded Learning Division, in partnership with ASAPconnect, the California AfterSchool Network, and the Partnership for Children & Youth, is conducting an urgent statewide survey to collect data to inform policy decisions regarding future funding, program flexibility, and technical assistance.

Due to the ongoing challenges of school closures and the pandemic, state and local policymakers are rapidly seeking to invest billions in resources for schools to mitigate learning loss including “expanded learning time,” learning hubs, and summer programming. 

It is essential that the experience and expertise of expanded learning programs that serve students and families directly inform the ongoing and shifting COVID-19 priorities and regulations about what students, schools, and communities need now and over the next year. 

This multiple-choice survey will take 10-15 minutes and is a crucial opportunity to ensure decision-makers have real-time data on the role and impact of expanded learning programs from the experts, YOU.

Please complete this survey no later than Friday, February 19, 2021.

Who Should Take This Survey:
This survey is intended for both Local Education Agency (LEA) program administrators and Community Based Organizations (CBOs) that they may partner with that provide After School Education and Safety (ASES) or 21st Century Community Learning Centers (21st CCLC, including After School Safety and Enrichment for Teens aka ASSETs) programs.

This survey is to be completed at the district level. If you serve multiple districts please complete a survey for each district. If multiple partners support one single district then each partner (both LEA and CBOs) within the district should submit a survey for the district.

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