AASW mental health social workers - feedback on NDIS Independent Pricing Review

The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) has released the report of the Independent Pricing Review undertaken by McKinsey & Company in 2017. The review makes 25 recommendations, which been accepted in principle by the NDIA.

The recommendations fall into three areas or themes:

  1. Market monitoring and engagement recs related to improving data collection decision making and engagement with the sector;
  2. Price limits recommendations that deal directly with price caos, including those to review current limits or new price limits or tiers;
  3. Supporting interventions recommendations that include a range of complementary market interventions that address specific or localised market failures or inefficiencies resulting from existing regulatory interventions.

The NDIA has proposed an implementation strategy that includes a timing framework.

The AASW will be contributing to a combined formal response with members of members of Allied Health professional Australia (AHPA) to the review. We would value your comments to inform our response by midnight, Sunday, 18 March 2018.

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* 1. Will the proposed changes impact on your ability to run a business?

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* 2. If the proposed changes will affect your ability to run your business - how so?

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* 3. If the proposed changes are implemented, how will you need to respond?

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* 4. Do the recommendations address the range of concerns about the NDIS prices?

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* 5. Do the recommendations address the concerns about ensuring that the participants have access to and receive support from the appropriate workforce and professionals?

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* 6. Do you agree with the NDIA’s strategy and timing for implementing the recommendations?

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* 7. If not, please explain

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* 8. Are there any gaps in the recommendations which need to be addressed as a high priority?

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* 9. If yes, what are they?

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* 10. Are there any other key issues with the proposal?