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Welcome to the survey on SME access to capital

It is generally acknowledged, and specifically acknowledged in the PNG Government “SME policy 2016”, that SMEs have difficulties in accessing start-up capital or loans from established financial and lending institutions.

Similarly, the Government’s Financial Sector Development Strategy 2016 – 2030 acknowledges that SMEs face obstacles to financing and are often perceived as high-risk by commercial lenders. This requires attention to be given to identifying ways in which unnecessary obstacles can be lessened.

PNGX - PNG’s National Stock Exchange, PNG ICT Cluster - the Silicon Valley of the Pacific, and SME Magazine – PNG’s bestselling business magazine , are seeking to provide greater access to equity financing for SMEs.

To better understand the profile and needs of the SME sector, we would value your input to a brief survey on the profile and capital needs of the sector.

Any reporting on the responses will be anonymous and your responses will assist in determining the commercial viability of a platform for enhancing the visibility of SMEs and obtaining access to finance for those with viable value propositions. The data collected from the survey will be owned by PNGX.

The survey should only take a few minutes of your time.  
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