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Tēnā koe, 
Applications are now open for our new Tautoko Rural initiative.
Tautoko Rural provides significant additional funding to enable us to assist you in sourcing and funding short term clinical and non-clinical staff in any role in your service, where your gaps in staffing are due to COVID-19 illness, isolation requirements or work stressors caused by managing COVID-19. 
This can include doctors, nurses, administration, and support staff through to cleaning and kitchen staff. 

The Tautoko Rural initiative replaces our Pandemic Emergency Roving Locums (PERL) initiative and runs to December 2022.  
Tautoko Rural support is available for up to four weeks maximum per role, at our discretion. Please provide specific dates where possible for the role/s you require. This initiative does not include retrospective funding.  
We have compiled a potential workforce with a range of skills including clinical and non-clinical backgrounds who are ready to step up and help where needed. This is a limited pool of staff especially at the more skilled clinical end. Because of this we will do our best, but can’t guarantee any placement.
 Please complete this survey to let us know what role/s you have, that require filling. All applications will be reviewed, and you will be notified if your application is successful as soon as possible.

Question Title

* 1. I would like to apply for workforce assistance through Tautoko Rural Work Force support.

0 of 24 answered