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* 1. What county do you live in?

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* 2. What county do you work in or on behalf of?

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* 3. Have you reviewed the breastfeeding data profile?

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* 4. Reflecting on the breastfeeding data in our area, what stands out for you as particularly surprising or important?

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* 5. What bothers you about current efforts to increase breastfeeding rates in our area?

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* 6. When have you observed energy around increasing breastfeeding initiation or duration in our community?

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* 7. If we, as a community, were to make breastfeeding an easier choice for low-income moms and moms of color, what would those actions be?

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* 8. Who would need to be involved if we were to address breastfeeding in the community?  Who are these people or organizations?

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* 9. What are some strengths or assets that will support us in our community?

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* 10. What are specific ways to engage these groups and individuals in our work?

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* 11. As a community, what actions can we take to remove barriers to breastfeeding for at-risk populations?

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* 12. How are organizations that you are part of supporting breastfeeding already?  

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* 13. I am interested in learning more about area breastfeeding promotion organizations, such as the Capital Area Breastfeeding Coalition. Please enter your e-mail address so we can connect you.