Thank you for your interest in becoming a member of our Design & Development Consultation Forum. We are asking everyone who is interested in participating to complete this short survey. The information we collect will only be used for the VARB project and will not be shared with any other group or organization.

What is the "VARB Healthcare Project"?
"VARB" stands for "Violence, Aggression and Responsive Behaviours". This project is being funded by the Ministry of Labour and led by PSHSA with input from a variety of stakeholders with the aim to develop four new toolkits that will help healthcare workers and organizations develop strategies to address violence against healthcare workers. The toolkits that will be developed include: Incident Reporting and Investigation; Patient transit (inside the facility)and transfer (outside of the facility); Code White; Work Refusal

What is the Design & Development Consultation Forum?
The forum is a group being recruited across multiple healthcare sectors to provide advice and consultation on the design and development of the four toolkits.We expect to reach out via survey or other online platforms and may invite you to an online focus group, a face-to-face meeting, a telephone interview, or a web meeting.  We expect your involvement to be required over the next 6-12 months and may reach out or invite you to respond to a request every month or so. If you have an interest or expertise in only some of the toolkits, we will note this and will only reach out about those specific topics. 

Additional information about the project and the forum is available here.

If you are interested in participating as a volunteer member of the forum, please answer the questions on the following pages.