If you are a planner, and would like to try and get hosted for the 1st Annual SITE SoCal Spring Classic Golf Tournament, we are offering a “Match-Me” service.
Please register your interest in being hosted for the golf tournament. This list will be circulated to golf hosts that are looking for planners to join them on the course. Once a host has chosen a potential match, they will contact that planner directly to invite them to register. 

Please note that filling out this form is not a guarantee that you will be matched.
If you questions or concerns, please email us at jvertovec@sitesocal.com.

Question Title

* 1. Contact Information

Question Title

* 2. Which SITE chapter(s) are you currently a member of?

Question Title

* 3. How many years have you been in the meetings and incentives industry?

Question Title

* 4. What is your level of responsibility within your organization?

Question Title

* 5. How many events (of each size) do you plan per year?

  0 1 event 2 events 3 events 4 events 5+ events
< 50 attendees
51-100 attendees
101-250 attendees
251-500 attendees
501-1,000 attendees
1,001-2,000 attendees
2,000+ attendees

Question Title

* 6. What regions in the U.S. do you plan to use for your events in the next five years? (check all that apply)

Question Title

* 7. What regions outside the U.S. do you plan to use for your events in the next five years? (check all that apply)