Please sign and submit

 Dear Parent/Guardian, 

You and your child/ren have the opportunity to participate in a pilot program to support you in improving your access to technology so that your child/ren can get the most benefit from remote learning that is likely to be a more important factor in Boston schools going forward. Higher Ground is collaborating with the David Ellis School, Higginson-Lewis School and One Bead in the planning and implementation of this pilot. This program will start in July and is expected to be completed by December. This pilot will support 30-40 families at the David Ellis and Higginson-Lewis schools.

Program Evaluation

In carrying out this pilot, we seek to understand the impact of improved technology, internet access, and training on the students’ increased comfort and participation in remote learning and resulting in improved educational progress. We plan to conclude the pilot with an assessment of the impact of the program with a brief interview with you and your child/ren in collaboration with the Moakley Center for Public Management at Suffolk University. 


By completing, signing, and submitting this Consent Form, you acknowledge and agree to the following:

 Higher Ground, Higginson-Lewis, David Ellis School, Moakley Center, One Bead, and BPS will have access to the following demographic and academic information about your child (obtained from this Program and/or BPS): student program attendance, school attended, race, gender, grade, age/date of birth, English learner (EL) status, special education status, homelessness status, home zip code, school-year attendance (days present, days tardy, rate), discipline records (total suspension incidents, days suspended, expulsions), test scores, State Assigned Student Identifier (SASID) and Boston Public Schools ID. These data are confidential and will be used only for evaluation to improve expanded learning time programming.

Higher Ground is undertaking this pilot as part of the Resilient Families Surround Care School Community (“Surround Care”) Coalition and may share each student’s demographic and attendance information with non-profit and schools that are members of the Coalition. This data will be used for program planning and will not be shared publicly in any way.

At the start of the program, a technology Consultant will contact you to schedule an assessment of your family’s computer devices, the quality of your internet service and you and your child/ren/’s knowledge of using the equipment and service. The Consultant will provide you up to three hours of training and conduct an assessment at the end of the training to determine the degree of improvement in your child/ren/’s skills and progress. Individual student data will not be shared publicly in any way.

Virtual Communication – All assessments and training will be conducted remotely . If absolutely necessary to conduct any assessment or training in-person, such assessment and training will be done only upon confirmation that the Consultant and families will adhere to all safety protocols per the guidance of local health departments to ensure health and safety.

Assessment & Training Support – Each participating family will receive up to 4 hours of technical support, including one-hour of pre- and post-assessment and up to 3 hours of training.


Gift Cards – Each participating family will receive a $100 gift card upon completion of enrollment.

Stipends – Each participating family will receive a stipend of $40 per hour for up to 4 hours they spend with the Consultant to do assessment and training. Stipends will be paid at the end of the program following completion of training and prior to participation in the final evaluation interview with the Moakley Center for Public Management.


Confidentiality of Data Collected

Evaluation – The Moakley Center for Public Management will conduct a brief interview at the end of the training to evaluate the impact of the program. While we very much hope that you will participate in this interview, you may decline to do so by selecting no in the question below,

Question Title

* 1. Please confirm if you wish to participate in the evaluation at the end of the Tech-Equity Pilot. Your participation will greatly help Higher Ground improve this program for other families.