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* 1. Did you know that Dufferin County has a 10-Year Housing and Homelessness Plan?

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* 2. If yes, Have you read the 10-Year Housing and Homelessness Plan?

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* 3. If you have not read the Plan, are you considering reading the Plan in the future?

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* 4. Do you believe that everyone in Dufferin County has housing that is appropriate to their needs, regardless of who they are?

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* 5. What do you see as the three most pressing housing issues currently facing Dufferin County? (please choose up to 3 issues)

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* 6. Are there groups of residents that, in your opinion, have a particularly difficult time finding affordable/adequate housing in Dufferin County? (choose as many as you think apply)

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* 7. What is needed (programs, services, supports) to help people find and maintain safe, adequate and affordable housing in Dufferin County? (check all that apply)

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* 9. How well do you believe the County of Dufferin Community Services Division is doing on addressing the following goals?

  Excellent Good  Average Fair  Poor Don't know enough to answer
Increasing the supply of affordable housing in Dufferin County
Partnering and collaborating with local agencies on housing and homelessness
Maintaining and where possible improving community housing
Preventing homelessness and housing stability
Meeting a range of complex community needs in regards to housing
Engaging in community about housing and homelessness
Ending chronic homelessness