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Dear Fellow Westmorelanders,

Every several years the Westmoreland Personnel Committee provides a survey opportunity for the congregation to provide constructive feedback and helpful counsel to our Senior Minister, Tim, on our worship experience, congregational life, outreach and other aspects of our church life. The survey results are consolidated and presented to Tim as a component of his annual personnel review. Tim considers the results carefully and uses the findings to help shape his work and plans for the next few years.  

Some of you may recall the survey from 2015 - we’ve combined similar questions and so made it shorter this time around. Also, Tim has informed us that the comments he received are more helpful and meaningful than a numerical score, so we encourage you to provide comments in the space provided and we’ve dropped the ratings. You are welcome to remain anonymous on the survey, if you choose, but if you would like to identify yourself so that the appropriate person can follow up with you for clarification or to continue the conversation, that would be fine.

It would be very helpful if you could please submit your response by July 15.

Thank you kindly,         
Jan Lilja
WCUCC Personnel Committee

Question Title

* 1. Worship Experience

What are your thoughts regarding Westmoreland’s worship services and experiences? Our senior minister plays an important leadership role in the development and delivery of our church’s worship services. Consider these questions or others of your own:
  • Do the worship experiences (for we have several) nurture the souls of Westmorelanders?
  • Are Westmoreland resources, staff and the congregation employed well to provide profoundly moving and thought-provoking worship?
  • What do you think of music, art and literature as incorporated into our worship experience?
  • Are sermons intellectually and theologically challenging, socially relevant and spiritually fulfilling?
Please share your thoughts on our worship experiences here:

Question Title

* 2. Congregational Leadership, Education and Care

How do you think we are doing as a vibrant, kind and caring Christian community of faith? Think about these questions or others of your own:
  • Does our senior pastor promote a friendly and welcoming spirit in the congregation that encourages attendance at worship, encourages continuing participation in the life of the Church, including connecting and supporting each other, and attracts new members?
  • Does he engage Westmorelanders in the work of tending to the soul of others in our congregation, meeting each other’s spiritual needs,  and fostering kindness among us?
  • Do we have a strong and expansive Christian Education program that serves the children, youth and adults of Westmoreland to help us understand and articulate a relevant, progressive theological framework in the world?
Please share your thoughts here on our congregational life and our senior minister:

Question Title

* 3. Outreach to the Community and the World Outside Westmoreland

Westmoreland does not exist in isolation but has a role in the broader community and world. This is important to Tim and he speaks about this often. What is your opinion of Westmoreland’s outreach to the Community, the broader UCC, and the world outside our walls?

Consider these questions:
  • In the last several years have you seen an expansion of the Church’s outreach activities within and beyond the local community?   
  • Does our congregation support and encourage the representation and involvement of Westmoreland in United Church of Christ denominational bodies and in ecumenical activities?
Please share your thoughts here:

Question Title

* 4. Church Business/Administration

Another aspect of our church life is the church’s business and administration; i.e., how things operate. Our senior minister is head of our church’s staff and is important to us in helping things to operate smoothly and well. Consider these questions or some of your own:
  • Does our church staff appear to you as a harmonious unit, working together to creatively develop new programs, opportunities and skills?
  • Does our senior minister support congregational interests and activities through the Governance Council, Boards and other groups; suggesting ideas and proposals that respond to the congregation’s changing needs, and generally flexibly and diplomatically balancing the needs of all?
Please share your thoughts here:

Question Title

* 5. Looking to the Future

Finally, our  senior minister is concerned about the future of our beloved Westmoreland Congregational UCC and has suggested that we include this question in the survey.

“The American religious landscape is undergoing dramatic change.” (Public Religion Research Institute, September 6, 2017). In sermons, in group discussions, and in other conversations, Tim has talked about this change in American religious life. Is this changing landscape important to you? Is it important to Westmoreland? Do you feel that Tim is providing leadership that helps you, and helps Westmoreland in general, understand and navigate these changing times?

Please share your thoughts here:

Question Title

* 6. Thank you for your participation. If you would like to provide your name, do so here:

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