In general, I am satisfied with the quality of education provided by the school district.
I am satisfied with the overall condition of the school district's athletic fields.
I am satisfied with the school district's budget and use of funds.
I am satisfied with the academic program of the school district.
I am satisfied with the opportunities the school district's co-curricular program provides for students.
The school district spends its tax dollars effectively and efficiently.
I am satisfied with the overall condition of the school district's playgrounds and outdoor areas.
I would recommend the school district to a family that is searching for a new place to live.
I am satisfied with the overall condition of the school district's fine arts facilities.
The school board and administration make decisions in the best interest of the district's school children.
The school district does an excellent job of educating all students.
School district facilities are safe, secure, and well maintained.
I am satisfied with the overall condition of the school district's buildings.
Overall, I have a positive impression of the school district.
I am satisfied with the overall condition of the school district's athletic facilities.
In general, I am satisfied with the teachers of the school district.
I am satisfied with the level of communication from the school district.