The Successful IEP
A Workshop to Manage and Improve the IEP Experience!

All welcome to this free event!

Guardians/parents and teachers/administrators looking to deepen their knowledge about IEPs.

Goal: Leave with a deeper understanding of how to create, improve and manage a successful IEP for your student.

When: October 15, 2023, 3-5pm

Where: Oak Grove Presbyterian Church, 2200 West Old Shakopee Road, Bloomington, MN 55431

- IEP Basics - overview of the IEP document & IEP meetings
- IEP Strategies - meetings and management
- Breakout - meet in groups designated by IEP focus to dive deeper & meet other parents/guardians

Childcare provided - please RSVP so we have enough staff.

Speakers: Carolyn Anderson (retired PACER Advocate & IEP parent): Rev. Stephanie Friant (PACER Parent Leader & IEP parent); TBD (IEP Manager)

Sponsored by: Disability Concerns Ministry of the PTCA, The Presbytery of the Twin Cities (PCUSA), and Oak Grove Presbytery Church

Why in-person? We realize doing a virtual event is easier in many ways, but in-person provides some essential support and communication that isn't possible online. Snacks will be provided.

Contact Information:  Contact Rev. Stephanie Friant with questions, etc.  text/call 815-592-3207
1.Name(s) of Individuals Attending Workshop
2.Student Age
3.Your experience with IEPs
4.Student's IEP Disability Categories
5.What District does the student attend (or home schooled/private/charter)?
6.Do you need childcare?
7.# of children needing childcare
8.Ages of children needing childcare