Baths for the Brave is a partnership between home improvement companies from across the United States that have banned together to give back to those who’ve sacrificed so much for us – our veterans. Our goal is to improve the lives of veterans in meaningful ways to say thank you for your service. But we need your help in nominating a deserving veteran! 

If you know a veteran who could use the benefits of a safer bath or shower in their home, please submit their information below so we can consider them for this gift of thanks. 

Please include as much detail about their military service, accomplishments and how this free bath or shower will better their life. We cannot wait to hear from you!

We will be crashing the selected Veteran's bath on Wednesday, November 11th in honor of Veterans Day.  At the same time, several other home improvement companies around the country, will be gifting their local veteran as well.  

We are excited to give back through Baths for the Brave as part of the NEWPROcares program.  The winner will be announced on NEWPRO's social media accounts!

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* 1. What is your full name?

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* 2. What is the best phone number to reach you at for any additional questions?

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* 3. Whom are you nominating for the 2020 Baths For The Brave bath-crash event?

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* 4. How do you know this person?

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* 5. Where does this person live? (Please list city & state)

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* 6. Is this person currently serving or are they retired?

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* 7. Can you explain why you are nominating this person for this year's Baths For The Brave initiative? (Please be thorough!)

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* 8. How will this shower better the life of this Veteran?

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* 9. Do you want to share anything else with the NEWPRO team about your nomination?