The unprecedented challenges created by the COVID-19 pandemic have changed many facets of our lives. Understanding how consumer behaviors are changing in both the short-, medium- and long-term is critical for business owners and economic development professionals as they look towards economic recovery.

The survey should only take 10 minutes to complete and your feedback would be invaluable to the local business community. NO INDIVIDUAL DATA will be used. Our local Business Recovery Task Force will be providing aggregate guidance to the community about what is learned through your responses. We deeply appreciate your time and input!
Public Health

Question Title

* 1. Please indicate your level of familiarity with the Governor's COVID-Safe Practices for all New Mexicans.

Question Title

* 2. What social distancing and other precautionary measures are you following?

  All the time Some of the time Only when I am out and about I choose not to do this
Washing hands often
Staying six feet apart from others
Wearing a face mask
Wearing disposable gloves
Avoiding large crowds when possible
Avoiding touching eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands
Cleaning and disinfecting frequently touched objects and surfaces
Finding ways to connect with people without face-to-face contact
Employment & Finances

Question Title

* 3. What is you current employment status?

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* 4. In what way did your employment status change in the last 10 weeks due to COVID-19?

Question Title

* 5. If you responded that you are currently unemployed, how long did it take to get approval/denied for unemployment compensation? (Skip this question if you did not indicate you are unemployed.)

Question Title

* 6. If you responded that you are currently unemployed, how long has it taken to receive your unemployment benefits after approval? (Skip this question if you did not indicate you are unemployed.)

Question Title

* 7. If you are receiving unemployment benefits, have you received the extra $600 per week from the Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation program? (Skip this question if you did not indicate you are unemployed.)

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* 8. If you are self-employed (independent contractor, gig workers, etc.) did you apply for and receive unemployment benefits through the expanded Pandemic Unemployment Assistance?

Question Title

* 9. Did any of your work shift to "work at home"?

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* 10. If you answered "yes" to the previous question, do you believe you will continue to work from home after COVID-19? (Skip if you did not answer "yes" in the previous question.)

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* 11. Whether or not you are currently working from home, would you like to work from home?

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* 12. Please indicate your level of concern on your household finances as a result of COVID-19

Question Title

* 13. Have you had to pull funds from your retirement account?

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* 14. Have you had to pull funds from your savings account?

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* 15. As a result of COVID-19, going forward, do you believe you will plan to save more than you had in the past? If yes, what percentage of normal spending would you shift to savings?

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* 16. As a result of COVID-19, have you acquired more debt (used more credit cards, taken out loans, etc.)?

Purchasing Behavior

Question Title

* 17. As a result of COVID-19, what major purchases have you delayed?

  Less than 1 month 1-3 months 3-6 months 6-12 months Over a year I have not delayed None planned
Family Vacation
Home improvement
Medical procedures
Opening/Buying a business

Question Title

* 18. If social distancing measures were lifted, which of the following purchases would you make, and in what time frame?

  Immediately Within 1 month 1-3 months 3-6 months 6-12 months Over a year None planned I  did not delay/already made this purchase during COVID
Family Vacation
Home improvement
Medical procedures
Opening/Buying a business

Question Title

* 19. In thinking about your current spending behavior, how have the purchases of the following changed as a result of COVID-19?

  More than before Less than before Same
Spending at restaurants/fast food
Spending on home improvement items
Spending on groceries
Spending on alcohol
Spending on gas/auto maintenance
Spending on insurance products
Spending on medical services
Spending on medical equipment
Spending on electronics
Spending on entertainment (movie theaters, games, etc.)
Spending on utilities
Spending for special events (anniversaries, birthdays, holidays, etc.)
Spending on personal care and/or beauty products

Question Title

* 20. What type of internet access do you have at home?

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* 21. If you have internet access at home, have you upgraded services since the "stay-at-home" order? (Skip if you answered that you use your mobile phone or do not have access at home.)

Question Title

* 22. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the initial "stay-at-home instruction" was announced on March 23, 2020. Since that date, how has your online purchasing behavior changed?

Question Title

* 23. Based on the categories below, please answer how your online purchases of the product categories have changed.

  More than before Less than before Same
Medical Supplies
Alcoholic beverages
Financial services
Restaurant purchases
Home entertainment (Netflix, Redbox, Xbox Live, etc)
Education-related materials

Question Title

* 24. If the current stay-at-home order was lifted today, how soon would you feel comfortable returning to the following activities?

  Immediately 1-2 weeks 3-4 weeks 1-3 months 3-6 months 6+ months Not until there is widespread testing and contact tracing Would not do in near future I dont know
Dining at a restaurant 
Going to a beauty salon/barber
Going to an entertainment venue (movie theater, museum, etc.)
Going to a gym
Going to a bar/microbrewery/club
Shopping in a retail store
Visit a large venue (concert, sporting event, etc.)
Host an event at a hotel or conference center (wedding, etc)
Attend an event at a hotel or conference center (wedding, work conference, gala, etc)
Travel for vacation
Have your vehicle serviced
Schedule a visit with a medical professional
Host a group in your home or within the neighborhood (birthday party, social gathering, etc.)
Make an appointment for repairs or maintenance
Meet in person to discuss financial information

Question Title

* 25. If the current stay-at-home order was lifted today, what would you *MOST* expect to see/experience to be more comfortable when returning to the following activities?

  I already feel safe and do not need anything extra from a business Everyone maintains 6 feet of distance Employees wears some form of personal protective equipment (face masks, gloves, etc.) Business offers face coverings and gloves to customers More barriers or separations are needed between other people and/or employees Temperature checks are conducted On-site testing is performed I am unsure, but need some advertised reassurance on business practices I still would not visit upon an order being lifted I did not visit before the order and will not visit when it is lifted
Dining at a restaurant 
Going to a beauty salon/barber
Going to an entertainment venue (movie theater, museum, etc.)
Going to a gym
Going to a bar/microbrewery/club
Shopping in a retail store
Visit a large venue (concert, sporting event, etc.)
Host an event at a hotel or conference center (wedding, etc)
Attend an event at a hotel or conference center (wedding, work conference, gala, etc)
Travel for vacation
Have your vehicle serviced
Schedule a visit with a medical professional
Host a group in your home or within the neighborhood (birthday party, social gathering, etc.)
Make an appointment for repairs or maintenance
Meet in person to discuss financial information

Question Title

* 26. Do you feel after social distancing orders are lifted you will be more likely or less likely to do the following when shopping:

  More likely Less likely Same
Buy local vs national chains
Buy "Made in USA" marked products
Buy locally grown produce
Seek out best pricing regardless of retailer, store, or product origin
Use ways to limit time in locations (ordering online, pickup/delivery services, examining inventories online before visiting, call ahead to check status, etc.)
Tell Us About Yourself

Question Title

* 27. What is your age group?

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* 28. What is your ZIP code? 

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* 30. What is your gender?

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* 31. What is the highest degree of level of school you have completed?

Thank you for supporting economic recovery efforts in our area by completing the survey. Please be sure to click submit.