Your time and feedback are appreciated.

As we navigate the complexities of providing HIV services in the context of COVID-19, PEPFAR welcomes questions, comments and observations about PEPFAR implementation from global and local CSOs and community organizations.  Community and civil society experience and expertise is critical, especially at the local level, to guide PEPFAR as we address both pandemics. 

Each submission to this survey is reviewed by a PEPFAR U.S. government interagency task team, drawing in additional subject matter experts as necessary, to determine which refinements are needed to PEPFAR’s COVID-19 FAQ and guidance, which is updated regularly.  PEPFAR continues to find these questions and feedback extremely important for understanding “on the ground” realities, and will continue to review incoming submissions and make refinements to the guidance. The most recent technical guidance and other materials can be found here: pepfar/coronavirus

Question Title

* 1. May we follow up with you about your comments or questions (optional)?

Question Title

* 2. What question, comment or observation do you have about PEPFAR implementation in the context of COVID-19?  There are additional pages for multiple questions/comments.

Question Title

* 3. With what aspect of PEPFAR programming is your question, comment, or observation connected?

Question Title

* 4. Other:  Specify