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1. Dear Reader,

This short survey will review how hand surgeons gather knowledge and information and from which resources and platforms. Where do they turn to when researching for a new topic/new operation/new talk?
The results will enable us to understand how you gather information about Hand Surgery.
This information will also allow us to understand the academic habits of hand surgeons and what the most frequently used and/ or trusted sources of information are.
To ensure accurate representation across different specialties and demographics, we would like to ask you about yourself, however, please be reassured your answers will remain anonymous and the focus will be on resources used regarding Hand Surgery.
There are no financial or commercial conflicts of interest.
This survey should take you no more than 10 minutes
Please answer the questions below selecting all items that apply to you/ single best answer or top three that apply to you.
Please use the text boxes to give examples or expand on your answers.
We will report the results of our findings.
Many thanks for your participation
Ms Christina Lipede, Ms Letitzia Marenghi and Mr Wee Lam
On behalf of the YEHS
0 of 28 answered